75 Great Banana jokes for kids

Are you looking for banana jokes for kids? then you are in the right place because we have collected some of the best banana jokes from all over the internet because Banana jokes are funny since they are silly? They are also a great way to kill a little time when you are trying to keep kids organized or a child occupied. Perhaps it will even inspire every person to create some new corny jokes of their very own.

Banana jokes

Q: What did the apple say to the green banana?
A: You don’t look like you’re feeling so good…

Q. What did the banana say to the judge?
A. “I’m sure to win this case on a-peel!”

Q: Why did the banana put on suntan lotion?
A: So it wouldn’t peel.

Q. What do you call a break up between a boy and a girl banana?
A. A banana split.

Q: Where do bananas go to learn?
A: Sundae school

Q: Why did the monkey like the banana?
A: Because it had appeal.

Q: How are cereal bananas like cows?
A: They get milked every morning.

Q. What do you call two bananas?
A. A pair of slippers!

Q: What instrument did the banana play in the school orchestra?
A: The Cyello.

Q. Why did the banana factory shut down?
A. Because they chucked out all the bent ones!

Q: Why wasn’t the unripe banana named the starter banana football game?
A: He was too green.

Q. What do bananas do when they get a sunburn?
A. They peel.

Q: How did the baby banana become so spoiled?
A: Mama banana left him out in the sun for too long.

Q. Why did the banana wear sunscreen?
A. He didn’t want to peel!

Q: What’s yellow and is used to write letters?
A: A ball-point banana.

Q. Why were the apple and orange alone?
A. Because the banana split!

Q: Why didn’t the banana cross the road?
A: Because it’s a banana – it can’t walk!

Why did the banana go to the hostpital?
Because it wasnt peeling very well

Q: What is yellow and goes bzzzzzzzzt?
A: An electric banana

Q. What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?
A. Ban-ana-na!

Q: Why did the banana go to see the doctor?
A: The banana was not peeling very well.

Q. Why did the banana go out with the prune?
A. Because he couldn’t find a date.
Q. What do you call a banana that gets all the girls?
A. A banana smoothie!

Q: Why don’t bananas snore when they sleep?
A: So they don’t wake up the rest of the bunch.

Q. What’s white on the inside and green on the outside?
A. A banana dressed up as a cucumber!

Q: Which fruit has the most whole grains?
A: The BRANana.

Q: What’s the best thing to put in a banana cream pie?
A: Your teeth!

Jokes on banana for kids

Q: What do you call two banana skins?
A: A pair of slippers

Q: Why was the banana so upset?
A: Someone called him a plantain.

Q: What fruit do sheeps like the most?
A: Baaaaa-nanas.

Q: How do monkeys get down stairs?
A: They slide down the banana-ster.

Q: Why did the banana go out with the fig?
A: Because he couldn’t find a date.

Q. Where do bananas go on the weekend?
A. Sundae school.

Q: How do bananas travel?
A: In a yellow submarine.

Q: When banana growers are heart broken, what do they sing?
A: What else but Peelings?

Q: What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?
A: Banana..na. Banana..na. (to the melody of the 5th symphony)

Q: What did the science teacher say Ba + Na2 is?
A: Banana.

Q. What is yellow on the outside and gray on the inside?
A. An elephant that’s dressed up in a banana skin.

Q: What did the banana do when he saw a monkey?
A: It split.

Q: Where did the banana train to become a relay swimmer?
A: In an olympic-sized cereal bowl.

Q: Why did the boy keep falling off his bike?
A: He slipped off the banana seat.

Q. What’s yellow and goes 50 miles per hour?
A. A banana in a washing machine.

Q: Why wouldn’t the banana cross the road?
A: Because he was yellow.

Q: Which day of the week do banana’s like the least?
A: Sundae.

Q: Why didn’t the young banana go to school this week?
A: Because it didn’t peel well.

Q: Where do bananas buy their clothes?
A: Banana Republic.

Q: Why did the banana get so many Valentines?
A: Because it was really sweet.

Q: What was the cool banana’s favorite song?
A: Mello Yellow

Q: How is a banana peel on the floor like music?
A: Because if you don’t C sharp you’ll B flat.

Q: What kind of a key opens a banana?
A: A monkey.

Funny banana jokes for kids that will make you laugh it loud

Q: Which former polititian loves bananas?
A: Al Gore-illa

Q: How do you catch King Kong?
A: Climb up a tree and act like a banana.

Q: Why didn’t the young banana go to school this week?
A: Because it didn’t peel well.

Q: What do fruit use to buy things?
A: Banana bread.

Q: What do you do if you see a blue banana?
A: Try to cheer it up.

Q. Why didn’t the police catch the banana?
A. Because it split!

Q: What is yellow on the inside and green on the outside?
A: A banana dressed up as a zucchini.

Q: Why did the banana go to the hairdressers?
A: Because it had split ends.

Q: Why did the farm hand lose his job on the banana farm?
A: He kept throwing the bent bananas away.

Q: If a crocodile makes shoes, what does a banana make?
A: Slippers.

Q: Why couldn’t the banana yell high?
A: It could only Yellow.

Q: What do you do if you see a blue banana?
A: Try and cheer it up.

Q: What do you call banana motorcycle policemen?
A: Banana CHiPs

Q: Why did the gorilla eat the banana?
A: Because it’s a gorilla!

Q: What do you call two bananas?
A: A pair of slippers.

Q: In what position was the banana during the Tour de France.
A: He was riding with the peel-oton (“peloton” is the main group of riders during the race)

Q: What did one banana say to the other when they first met?
A: Yellow, nice to meet you.

Q: Why was the banana so sick?
A: He had yellow fever.

Q: Why was the plantain sent to the pricipal’s office?
A: It wen’t bananas during class.

Q: When will the trail mix have enough money to buy a map?
A: After the banana chips in.

Q: How did the unripe banana feel about the ripe banana?
A: It was green with envy.

Q: Why couldn’t the whipped cream find the banana at the party?
A: It split.

Q: What was the ghost’s favorite fruit?
A: Boonanaa.

Q: What’s yellow and always points north?
A: A magnetic banana.

Q: Why did the banana fail it’s driving test?
A: It peeled out.

Q: Why did they cancel the ice cream social?
A: The banana split with the ice cream.

Q: Why are bananas never lonely?
A: Because they hang around in bunches.

Q: Why don’t bananas ever get lonely?
A: They hang around in bunches.

Q: What is the easiest way to make a banana split?
A: Show it out the door.

Q: What do bananas say when they answer the phone?
A: Yellow.

Q: What did the banana say to the elephant?
A: Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

Q: What made the banana such a smoothie?
A: Yogurt!

Q: What kinds of jokes do bananas like to tell?
A: Side-splitting ones.

Laughitloud Team

We are a squad of professional joke testers, caffeine enthusiasts, and naptime champions. Armed with puns and a questionable sense of humor, we're on a mission to make the world laugh one snort at a time. Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter and occasional bouts of smiling in public spaces."

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