50+ Top Best Zombie Jokes To Make You Smile

Looking for zombie jokes because You don’t want to be the person that everyone thinks has no sense of humour. Imagine making everyone laugh so hard that they are gasping for air, crying, and possibly peeing in their pants! This funny zombie jokes is the weapon you need to add to your arsenal

Collection of the Best Zombie Jokes

Q: Where do zombies go swimming?
A: The Dead Sea!

Q: What did the zombie say after he ate a comedian?
A: This tastes funny!

Q: On which day do zombies eat people?
A: On Chewsday!

Q: Where’s the safest place to be during a zombie invasion?
A: The LIVING room!

Q: When does a zombie sleep?
A: When he’s dead tired!

Q: What did the zombie say to the human?
A: Pleased to eat you!

Q: Why did the zombie go to the hospital?
A: To have his ghoul-stones removed!

Q: What did the zombie say to his long lost friend?
A: I’ve been dying to see you!

Q: Where do zombies shop for clothes?
A: The monstore!

Q: Why was the zombie standing on his head?
A: He was turning things over in his mind!

Q: What time do zombies wake up?
A: At ate o’clock!

Q: What kinds of streets do zombies live on?
A: Dead ends!

Q: Why did the police officer give the zombie a ticket on Thanksgiving?
A: He exceeded the feed limit!

Q: Why is stupid zombie like a jack-o-lantern?
A: They both have empty heads!

Q: What should you do if a zombie comes through your front door?
A: Run through the back door!

Q: How do you stop a zombie from smelling?
A: Cut off his nose!

Q: How did the zombie cure his sore throat?
A: He spent all day gargoyling!

Q: What is black and white and red all over!
A: A nun being eaten by a zombie!

Q: How do zombies travel?
A: On a scareplane!

Q: What is a zombie’s favorite drink?
A: Demonade!

Q: Where’s the safest place to be during a zombie invasion?
A: The living room!

Q: What do they have for lunch at Zombie School?
A: Human beans, boiled legs, and eyes-cream!

Q: What is a zombie’s favorite food?
A: Halloweenies!

Q: What does a zombie do when he loses his head?
A: He calls the head hunter!

Q: What does a zombie mother say to her kids at dinnertime?
A: Do not talk with someone in your mouth!

Q: What do you call a huge, slobbering zombie with ear plugs in?
A: Anything you like because he can’t hear you!

Q: Why wouldn’t the zombie cross the road?
A: He didn’t have the guts!

Q: What is a baby zombie’s favorite toy?
A: A deady bear!

Q: Why did the zombie cross the road?
A: He was chasing the chicken!

Q: What is the hardest thing about making zombie soup?
A: Stirring it!

Q: What do you call a dead bee?
A: A zombee!

Q: What kind of vehicle did the zombie purchase?
A: A monster truck!

Q: How do zombies do well in school?
A: They eat lots of brain food!

Q: How can you tell if a zombie has a glass eye?
A: When it comes out in conversation!

Q: What do female zombies do at parties?
A: They look for edible bachelors!

Q: What do zombies use to keep their hair in place?
A: Scare spray!

Q: Where do zombies go swimming?
A: The Dead Sea!

Q: What would you get if you crossed a plum with a man eating zombie?
A: A purple people eater!

Q: What should you call a polite, friendly, and good looking zombie?
A: A failure!

Q: Who won the zombie beauty pageant?
A: Nobody!

Q: What did the zombie say before the fight?
A: Do you want a piece of me?

Q: What kind of candy do zombies dislike?
A: Life Savers!

Q: Why did the zombie go to the dentist?
A: He wanted to improve his bite!

Q: What was the zombie’s favorite game?
A: Chase!

Q: How do you stop a zombie digging up your garden?
A: Take his shovel away!

Q: What did the zombie say after he ate a comedian?
A: This tastes funny!

Q: What was the zombie’s favorite TV show?
A: Chomping on the Stars!

Q: How do zombies celebrate Halloween?
A: They paint the town dead!

Thank you for stoping by i hope you liked our collection of zombie jokes if you got some zombie jokes share with us in the comment section below we would love to hear from you….

Laughitloud Team

We are a squad of professional joke testers, caffeine enthusiasts, and naptime champions. Armed with puns and a questionable sense of humor, we're on a mission to make the world laugh one snort at a time. Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter and occasional bouts of smiling in public spaces."

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