Lion Jokes For Kids

Are you looking for lion jokes for kids then you’re in the right place because we have collected some of best clean lion jokes from all over the internet that will make you kids smile.

Before we get to the jokes here are some interesting facts about lions.

  1. The lion sleeps an average of twenty hours a day.
  2. The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint ?; two lions will never have the same muzzle.
  3. The lions say hello rubbing their cheeks.
  4. The lions say goodbye by biting their stomachs.
  5. The lion is the noisiest of the felids; its roar can be heard up to eight kilometers away.
  6. Lions normally walk at 4 km / h, but they can run up to 60 km / h. They can also jump over distances of up to 12m.
  7. Lions are the only ones to live in groups with a social hierarchy.

Lion jokes For Kids

Q: Why didn’t the lion eat the detective? A: Because he was under cover.

Q: Why did the lion lose at Go Fish?
A: Because he was playing against a cheetah.

Q: Why did the lion loose at poker? A: Because he was playing with a cheetah

Q: What reptile do you get when you cross a lion with a camel?
A: A chameleon.

Q: Why did the lion spit out the clown?
A: Because he tasted funny.

Q: Why do lions always eat raw meat? A: They can’t cook?

Are you looking for lion jokes for kids then you're in the right place because we have collected some of best clean lion jokes from all over the internet that will make you kids smile.

Q: Why wasn’t the lion honest?
A: Because then he wouldn’t be a lyin’ anymore!

Q: What time is it when a lion walks into the room?
A: Time to get out of the room.

Q: Why don’t lions like fast food? A: Because they can’t catch it!

Q: On which day do lions eat the most?
A: Chewsday

Q: What do you call a lion with chicken pox? A: A dotted lion.

Q: How do you brush a lion’s teeth?
A: Very carefully

Q: Is it better to have a tiger eat you or a lion?
A: It’s a no brainer – it’s way better to have the tiger eat the lion (and not you).

Q: What’s a lion running a copy machine called? A: A copycat!

Q: How does a lion stop a video?
A: By pressing paws

Q: What do you call a lioness wearing a dress with flowers on it?
A: A dandy lion

Q: What do you get if you cross a lion with a watchdog ? A: A terrified postman !

Q: How does a lion greet other animals?
A: I’m pleased to to eat you.

Q: How does a lion move a boat?
A: He uses roars

Q: What do you call a cat with a lions roar? A: Kitty Perry.

Q: What is a lion’s favorite campsite food?
A: Baked beings.

Q: Why are lions religious? A: Because they prey frequently, and prey as a family!

best lion jokes

Q: What do you call a lion’s reflection?
A: A copycat

Q: What do you get when you cross a lion and a snowman?
A: Frost bite

Q: What time is it when a lion takes your hat?
A: Time to get a new hat.

Q: What do you call a lion wearing a stylish hat? A: A dandy lion

Q: Which U.S. state do lions like the most?
A: Maine

Q: What is a lions favorite cookie? A: Chocolate Chimp.

Q: Why are desert lions so popular around Christmas-time?
A: Because they have sandy claws.

Q: What’s a lion’s favorite soccer player? A: Lion-el Messi

Q: Which U.S. state do lions like the most?
A: Maine

Q: How does a lion greet the other animals in the field ? A: ‘Pleased to eat you.’ !

Q: How do lions like to pass the time?
A: By lion around.

Q: What job does a lion do at a newspaper? A: Run the lionotype machine!

Q: What does a lion say to his pride before they go hunting?
A: Let us prey…

Q: What happened when the lion ate the clown?
A: He felt funny.

Q: What’s the difference between Simba and O.J.? A: One’s an African lion the other a lyin African!

Also, Check out these special animal joke categories for more animal jokes for kids – dinosaur jokes,rabbit jokes, dog Jokes, cow jokes, mouse jokes, elephant jokes and much more.

Laughitloud Team

We are a squad of professional joke testers, caffeine enthusiasts, and naptime champions. Armed with puns and a questionable sense of humor, we're on a mission to make the world laugh one snort at a time. Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter and occasional bouts of smiling in public spaces."

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